To Be Or Not to Be a Villein
Queen Charlotte’s Villeins are a troupe that provides regular performance opportunities, in different formats and different media. Find out more ABOUT US.
We are located in Charlottesville, Virginia, and while we welcome members from around the world, be aware that live performances will primarily take place in Charlottesville.
With the Villeins, there are many chances to study, explore, and perform the works of Shakespeare. But it also requires a degree of commitment to things like preparation, memorization, examination, and openness to occasionally being more than a little silly. We have a distinct style and approach that, despite being maintained, allows for creativity and interpretation within its uniquely designed sandbox of style.
Troupe membership means not only a love of performing the works, but studying them, as well. To be a Villein is to be (or become) a sometimes self-guided scholar of the works. Part of what sets us apart is that audiences pick up on our enthusiasm for and fascination with what we share with them from our studies.
Our Study Group and our overall approach to the workshopping of material emphasizes the value of understanding, as best as we can, the original dramatic intention behind the material on a granular level. The results are rich, engaged, satisfying performances. But that kind of work is not to everyone’s taste.
If everything you’ve read so far has only gotten you more excited, then you might just be a Villein at heart already.
And if you’re still curious but not sure, feel free to reach out with any questions you might have.
Opportunties for Non-Actors
If you love Shakespeare but do not fancy yourself an actor, there are opportunities for you, as well. We will soon be restarting our Study Sessions for members as well as a select group of non-members who share our passion for digging deep.
If that interests you, or perhaps you are a designer or technician who would like to get involved, please contact us.
And for general information…